API Reference

GDO blaQ Introduction

This API Definition defines the local REST API exposed by Konnected's GDO blaQ

Konnected's GDO blaQ is an IoT device that retrofits a Chamberlain / LiftMaster garage door opener with Security+ technology, adding the ability to monitor and control the garage opener via a direct local serial connection with the garage opener motor. This API specification applies to the following model when running Konnected's current ESPHome platform firmware for the GDO blaQ. This is the default firmware that's pre-installed on new Konnected GDOs, and should work out-of-the-box with this API.

Model GDOv2-Q

Konnected's new GDO blaQ launched in 2024.

API Implementation Guide

You're building an application, driver, or other piece of software to interact with Konnected's GDO, great! This section outlines the minimal successful implementation for the core features of the device.

The Garage Door cover

Each Konnected GDO controls and monitors a single garage door. The garage door is represented by the garage door cover component, which exposes the following endpoints:

  • GET /cover/garage_door
  • POST /cover/garage_door/open
  • POST /cover/garage_door/close
  • POST /cover/garage_door/stop
  • POST /cover/garage_door/set

A cover is the name given by the Home Assistant / ESPHome developers to represent objects or entryways that have opening and closing controls as well as states. Konnected's GDO implements the cover interface with the device class of garage.

Garage Door State

The current state of the garage door cover can be queried using the GET endpoint above and by listening for Server-sent Events state updates with the ID cover-garage_door. The state can be either OPEN or CLOSED. The garage door also has a current_operation state attribute which can be one of: IDLE, OPENING or CLOSING.

Konnected automatically determines the state of the garage door via feedback from the garage opener motor. No sensors or external detection is necessary!

For real-time push updates when the garage opener changes state, see Server-sent Events.

Garage Door Control

The user interaction to control the garage door should be executed by the POST request cover endpoints detailed in this documentation. Konnected considers the current state of the garage door and the desired control action to ensure that the request is valid and to perform important safety warnings. For example, if the door is open and receives a close command, it will automatically trigger the pre-close warning prior to trigging the garage door opener to close. If the garage door is already closed and the device receives a close command, it will not trigger the garage door to move.

Light and Lock Control

The garage opener light and lock can be controlled and state monitored similarly using their respective APIs.

Motion and Obstruction State

When equipped with a motion sensor (typically built-in to the higher-end wall buttons) and obstruction sensor (safety-beam sensor), the states of those sensing devices can also be reported locally and in real-time using the GDO blaQ. Use Server-sent Events for real-time push updates.